I'll be putting up similar posts for each cover as they are released.
This basically takes you thought my process a little.
I usually start with a really loose sketch in blue to sort of block in my shapes and staging. From there I love onto a slightly tighter sketch in a dark red to get in all the details.
My last step is bumping up the DIP and doing a final inking pass with darker versions of the objects they surround.
Let me know what you think in the comments section.

That's pretty sweet, Manny. I didn't notice the little circular marks around his elbow beforehand, even after seeing the original you handed in.
Metallo looks good.
Really nice work Manny! Thanks for sharing! You have a really great sense of composition!
Thanks guys.
I build the commotion first by really roughing stuff in.
Most people can't even tell whats doing on in my initial sketches.
It's all about staging.
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