A GCPD badge and a spent shell casing; a small grouping of Harley (my first attempt at her), Riddler, and Mr. J; and a rather odd-looking Dr. Hugo Strange.
I thought M. Siero Garcia, the voice behind GCPD Detective Renee Montoya, might like this sketch of Montoya I did in anticipation of a "flashback" sort of cover. In my humble opinion, it looks a heck of a lot better than the Montoya who appeared on my Batman 25 cover—but that's just me.

And finally, the last sketch before I got my new idea—a scene from what I believe was episode 5 of TAOD: Harley, Riddler, and Joker standing around just after Riddler put the ol' lead to Misty's boyfriend Bill Vogel. Catwoman's peeking in through the window there. There's nothing I really like about this particular piece—it's my second attempt at Harley, and she looks half-decent. Joker looks old, Riddler just looks...no...and this marks my first attempt at Catwoman, which is just all right, in my opinion.

I meant for there to be a blood spatter on the wall under the window. That would've been taken care of with a custom Photoshop brush from a DeviantArt user. I would've added a little smoke from the gun there as well.
So there you go. Those are bits from my first few cover attempts on Batman 27. The final product, which I have finished and sent off to Jeffrey for full Pendantization, will be made available here, Pendant's site, my personal journal, and my DeviantArt account on Wednesday.
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