Hey guys! Sorry I've been MIA for the last, oh, five chapters. It's been crazy over at casa de Julie lately.
Here's the lovely Ginger, making her cover debut. I was thinking of doing another Chloe cover, but Alicia gave me some great Gin-spiration. XD She was originally more pinup-y, but about halfway through I reread her character description and realized that she was supposed to be very thin, not 50s-style curvy. I had to go back and do some plastic surgery. ;) She's still a little curvier than she should be, I think, but oh well. Fortunately, there are lots of curvy ladies to draw in Vegas, so all my research is not for naught!
Anyways, I thought I'd go back and review the covers I missed, briefly.
Vegas 16. I think I did this one in record time, and I had a lot of fun painting glass in Photoshop. There was a big gaffe in this episode, though; the name tag is supposed to have a company logo on it. Whoops! I still want to go back and add one in...
Vegas 15. Chloe! I love her character but I was not entirely happy with this art. I can't wait to redeem her by drawing her again.
Vegas 14. The departure from people to still life was a little risky for me, but this cover planted itself in my brain and wouldn't let go. Fortunately, the producers liked the idea! I "sketched" the cover with vector shapes in Photoshop, and then painted over them. I am horrible at draftsmanship and can't draw a circle to save my life, so there we go.
Vegas 13. I think this is my favorite cover out of all the ones I've done. It came together quite well. In fact, here - have a close-up!

And that's it for me. See you in a few weeks!
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